Saturday 1 October 2011

Tardor amb il·lusió

Si no fos perquè fa una xafogor de mil dimonis, avui quasi semblaria un dia de tardor digne del primer d'octubre. La pluja cau amb decisió sobre els carrers vermells sense esfaltar i les teulades metàl·liques, i un soroll eixordador inunda la ciutat. Res sembla aturar-se tanmateix, la vida bulliciosa d'un dissabte al matí continua perceptible. La palmera que albiro des de la finestra em recorda que al tròpic les pluges no senyalen cap estació. Tan se val, qualsevol excusa és bona per donar la benvinguda a la tardor, encara que sigui una il·lusió:
Octubre que daures el bosc que era verd
el cup i la bóta de vi ens has omplert;
t’endus l’oreneta, molt lluny,cel enllà,
però a l’hort la magrana tu has fet coronar!

Tuesday 27 September 2011

My life without

There always seems to be something that is not working in Accra. Last week we had no running water so we bucket-showered. Sunday we woke up to no electricity; it was one of those hot humid sunny days, not the kind you want to spend at home with no air-conditioning, so we went swimming. Yesterday we ran out of gas so I cooked soup in the microwave. In the afternoon I got a new gas cylinder only to find out it leaks, not good. Then the satellite tv decided to stop working; we haven´t paid our subscription says a message on the screen. This would all be fine if at least I had my long-awaited books to read but alas, the postal service doesn't bloody work either!

Internet has also been playing up so we have decided to change providers. We are required to confirm our home address for the contract, pretty standard. We don't know our address. Our landlord doesn't know our address. When we ask the guys at the door they are amused, they say that the street hasn't been named yet and that our landlord should name it after himself. One thing is to live in a street without a name plate and another is to live in a street without a name. Our street is not alone in being nameless, many streets in Ghana have unknown or nonexistent names which makes giving directions a necessary skill. Unwilling to give up, we decide to drive up and down the red rough road that is our street looking for a clue. Amnis. The search continues.
I així comenca el blog de l'Elisabet, sense títol, sense ce trencada i sense ganes d'escriure. Anem bé.